
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody.

Nicholas Conlon

I just got a jolt and urge to listen to The Moldy Peaches. Thanks Prime. I think that's it. If you don't know now ya know nicca!  Can I say nicca?  This Apple Mac shite keeps trying to change it to nice. "Nice." But seriously is that ok in this new pacifist, cheap shot society?  Knock out game and robbing people for phones. I mean who still steals bikes man? C'mon!!! Because listen real quick that IS my name; Nick, emphaphis on the K.  "Hey, I'm starting to feel OK. Lucky number 9 Hooray!"  Anyway. I don't care I'm gonna say it. I just won't spell it that way. Nicca Please. HAHA this time Apple tried to change it to Wicca. Ironic. because it's capitalized? I don't know.   I'm getting off subject, what I'm trying to say is, does the past not matter anymore? Question is... Does what you've done in the past, does that not matter anymore? Does seeing actual footage recorded of you lying and quotes of your rhetoric in print from years ago not mean anything?  Or even the opposite... Does supporting and standing up for people and defending other people who can't defend themselves, does that really not mean anything anymore? Day in and day out for over 30 years. What have you done for me lately LL Cool J? Big Daddy Kane and Kool Moe Dee ! Old asses too slow! Too cool. Too smooth. Too right there in your face and been there for years. Shit don't call it a comeback! BAM! That's right I'm talking bout Bernie Sanders not LL COOL J... Could be though. LL been doing it my whole life. I wonder if his life matters?   And then there's this...From a year after the 80's

Do interviews and articles in Playboy really not matter? The gentleman in that interview doesn't sound like a crazy person. Well he does sound like a crazy ass egotistical maniacal business man.  But not necessarily crazy person styles. I'm just saying. The guy is a threat to the political system in general not to America. Why else would Bernie Sanders be like YO YO YO!!! I support Hillary. She cool, she cool...


Hillary is one "bad month" away from slapping a bitch in the face and there's  like 1 in 48 chance of that. And I just can't take those odds. And that obnoxiously rich dude is a crazy, egotistical, maniac. He's gonna say some crazy shit and then someone with some sense and authority is gonna be like dude you can't do that. And he's gonna be like "Ya'll some lucky mother fuckers!!!"  In fact I can see him screaming that over a gold balcony somewhere. But here's food for thought. I believe this and this is something I can't go for; This egotistical bully is going to punch the wrong kid and then WHAM BAM!!! That's that. Just like in A Christmas Story. And then get antagonized by the rest of the kids for the rest of the school year and then that's not going to be pretty. Etc. etc. And what I learned in life amongst a few other things is this. "If momma ain't happy, nobody gone be happy!" He's too trigger happy and there's just too much at stake for that. I'm in to peace man. I'm not against egotistical maniacs. I'm not against maniacs. I just want peace. I'm a maniac for peace. Seriously now, I'm not all coon by yah or nothing. I'll defend myself accordingly, but when it comes to the earth for me and my eyes  It's not one of fire and brimstone. I don't want to look at a place like Homs, Syria anymore. I cried during that shit. I don't want a future, one that I may not be a part of, to have fallen completely apart. It's just me it's a part of me to make a beautiful world of coming together and not killing each other. Beating each other up or suing each other. Yes it's an epidemic. I want beauty, renewable resources, full disclosure, love and apologies when mistakes are made. I want remedies not killing fields. What do you want?  It's up to you. Sorry for getting off track and just ranting... It's time to do something America. In the meantime...        check out The Moldy Peaches...


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For everybody that gets the irony, That likes puns and has fun, pokes and prods, jokes and confident nods. Winks and grins, loses and wins. Takes and gives. Twice as hard. Taking a swing to knock it out the yard. Make believes and believes what they made. Valedictorians or barely passed 8th grade. Haute moms and say hi kids. Daddy's little girl, keep on rocking in the free world. Because these times they are a changing. Ironic. Idiotic. Iconic. Nicknickers. You will never be the same.


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