
The Best We Got?

Nicholas Conlon

Now amongst some very real facts here, this is also just my opinion... This will be the greatest year in comedy, EVER. If people are not jumping on this now I won't know what to think about comedians anymore.  Yeah, it may be too easy, or over done but it's comedy gold. I mean It's "TP" vs. Hillary. That just sounds funny right there. And seriously?  This is the best we got? I've heard some great defenses for both parties. Trump will make the best deals for our country business wise, He is going to stop immigrants from coming here  and he's not afraid to say whatever's on his mind.  The best is when you see immigrants defending him. Even going as far as saying things like "Word"  "Hip-Hop immigrants" they're called. Or what about Mrs. Clinton; I'm sorry I don't know where to start and I don't want this to be that long. At least she can return the silverware if the urban legend is true... I don't know what to do about all of this. This is by far the worst president election year since I was born and that's 10-11 of them!!!  Even Bush wasn't as bad since his opponents were worth a shit. I'm talking about the second one of course. The first one was a close second to these two... Buffoons. How did we come so far? No matter what you think about President Barack Obama, He was an incredible maintenance man. Cleaning up all the past asshole's shit and doing a couple things for all of us in the interim... What did Bush do?  DON'T ANSWER THAT!!!  Barack Obama was also a really good President, as good as anyone could be in the circumstances he was under. In fact maybe he could even be considered incredible and one of the best ever. If it wasn't for that fresh fade! If you don't know what I'm talking about then you really don't know shit. Sorry, can't sugar coat that. I think that no matter who was going to be in this year's election there was going to be a degree of decline in the over all, how should I say, "Je ne sais quoi" of the candidates. The irony is thick on that one... But yeah, a dip in over-all coolness, elegance and perhaps even intelligence. BUT THIS??? These two fucking goofballs?  We took a nose dive so hard with these two it's like a Coyote and Road Runner cartoon for real. It's our fault though... Think about that! Thats the worst part about it. I do applaud the Bernie Sanders campaign and all my fellow citizens who valiantly attempted to continue the hope and change that we may have gotten shorted on over the last 8 years... It sucks that we perhaps allowed "history" or "her story" to overcome actual progress. Bernie is/was honestly the only one worth a shit in the entire spectrum. But that's just like my opinion man... I didn't have to worry about his monstrous "socialist" views and his taking all my monies in taxes and shit because unlike all of you I don't make 100's of 1000's of dollar, dollar bills y'all... I have 100'000 in bills but that's neither here nor there. Except that Bernie would have probably helped me out with that, but I digress... With the death of progress. Moving on... I love our two candidates and the comedic gold of both their campaign slogans: "The other guy is sooooo bad."  I hold my three fingers to my lips and I emphatically kiss them and scream MUAH!!! 

Anyway I'm cooped up in a wheel chair and I'm tired.  So I'm going to finish off with this; I can't help you. And that's great!!!  It's up to you. No matter which one of these Mensa Candidates gets in. It's really up to the people. For the people and by the people and gosh darnit people like me. Wait? What? Anyway... The deal is this people, It's really up to US to bring this country back. Because neither one of these two bright stars are going to do it... Maybe I'll run... My slogan will be Nicholas Conlon for President.

"Us for U.S." 

In the mean time check out why we are here...DOTH PROTEST... COLLECTION 

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For everybody that gets the irony, That likes puns and has fun, pokes and prods, jokes and confident nods. Winks and grins, loses and wins. Takes and gives. Twice as hard. Taking a swing to knock it out the yard. Make believes and believes what they made. Valedictorians or barely passed 8th grade. Haute moms and say hi kids. Daddy's little girl, keep on rocking in the free world. Because these times they are a changing. Ironic. Idiotic. Iconic. Nicknickers. You will never be the same.


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