We feel like nobody wears yellow tshirts anymore. But how can you resist? If you know 1984 and what a riot it was/is, you know quality and how fresh it really is knowing is half the battle. The more you know. It's back baby. Ironic. Idiotic. Iconic. Nicknickers. You will never be the same.
The American Apparel t-shirt is the smoothest and softest t-shirt you'll ever wear. Made of fine jersey, it has a durable, vintage feel. These classic-cut shirts are known for their premium quality, as well as ability to stand up to a washing machine (will maintain size and color after many washes). The shirts are 100% fine jersey cotton. This women's t-shirt is made form-fitting to flatter a woman's curves.
• Fine jersey
• Form-fitting
• Double stitched
• Made in the USA, sweatshop free
The American Apparel t-shirt is the smoothest and softest t-shirt you'll ever wear. Made of fine jersey, it has a durable, vintage feel. These classic-cut shirts are known for their premium quality, as well as ability to stand up to a washing machine (will maintain size and color after many washes). The shirts are 100% fine jersey cotton. This women's t-shirt is made form-fitting to flatter a woman's curves.
• Fine jersey
• Form-fitting
• Double stitched
• Made in the USA, sweatshop free