I didn't have the milk crate or the barnyard basketball hoop. I lived in Chicago and this is the first hoop that I owned. We used to stick it in the top of the door and you could dunk. Richie Ramos used to put dots on his wall where he could bank the tin foil ball we used to play with, we played this all the time. My grandma used to go crazy on us because we lived on top of her and grandpa in our two flat on Oakley. This game was essentially a wrestling match since I don't remember fouls being called. And I'm sure it was loud. Sorry Grandma... I played vs. Phil and Pat Quinn, Carlos Ramos and Larry Gonzalez, Herman, Lloyd, Ralph, maybe even the new kid's house... Besnik, Tiger and Hakkan may have got in on this too. I don't remember what year we started. Early 80's for sure. I have another story about my first garage hoop and backboard getting literally stolen off the roof and finding it at the second hand sports store at the corner of Western and Berteau. I'm going to try and remember more about this but for now. This is a picture of "My First Hoop"*


Hanger Ball Rules. Indianapolis, Indiana 3/16-4/5. 

Fouling is allowed.

No holding or intentionally hurting another player.

10 second shot clock.

You must fake dribble the entire time you have the ball. Rebounds are in play.

Player with possession can rebound and score from anywhere. Player on defense rebounds must take it out past the particular line established. No goaltending on shots 5ft. and beyond.

No time limit. Switch possession after score.

Whoever scores two points first wins.



All purchases of this sculpture come with pre-designed Hanger, tin foil with Nicknickers logo, certificate of authenticity, and signed and numbered copy of Hanger Ball rules. 

This sculpture is limited to 199 pieces. This is one of a kind. Please do not try to replicate or play without following the rules.

 Thank you,                                                                                                           NICHOLAS CONLON, Creative Director, Nicknickers

Take a picture and post the winner and tag #myfirsthoop @nicknickersdesign 

* you can put it anywhere. 


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For everybody that gets the irony, That likes puns and has fun, pokes and prods, jokes and confident nods. Winks and grins, loses and wins. Takes and gives. Twice as hard. Taking a swing to knock it out the yard. Make believes and believes what they made. Valedictorians or barely passed 8th grade. Haute moms and say hi kids. Daddy's little girl, keep on rocking in the free world. Because these times they are a changing. Ironic. Idiotic. Iconic. Nicknickers. You will never be the same.


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